So, the concept is pretty straightforward, but bear with me as I take you on a little journey that will increase your odds of success in any endeavor 1,000-fold.

No matter what you do in life if you want to be successful it is going to take dedication, perseverance, discipline, tenacity, and a whole slew of character traits that will boost your potential for success. All these traits are what cause individuals to go all in and these traits also cause them to double down when most people would be quitting.

At some point and it may not be at the start of your venture, but at some point, you are definitely going to have to go all in. If you think you are going to half-ass anything and be successful, then we have wildly different definitions of success. I didn’t become successful in rising out of homelessness because I half-ass wanted to get off of the streets and back into my own place.

When I finally decided to get my act together and make real strides to becoming a functioning member of society, I took measured careful steps, but I was all in. I knew that this was an all or nothing decision and I went all in, and I eventually doubled down once I saw the fruits of my labors paying off.

There was a point for a while when I first got out of the homeless shelter and got into my apartment where it still felt so surreal. I didn’t want to wake up and it wasn’t real and the one thing I definitely didn’t want to do was fall into the trap of thinking I had made it. I didn’t focus on it, but I kept a healthy reluctance of getting too far ahead of myself.

I stayed positive and I knew I could do it for the long haul, (maintain my success and momentum I was building), but I just wanted to have a healthy respect of where I came from and what it took to get to where I was. I kept both feet planted firmly in the present, but I also checked my rearview and then occasionally glanced ahead to make sure I knew where I was going.

Like I said in a previous post, I didn’t have a whole lot in my apartment to start out because I just needed more proof that it was all real and that I was truly handling my newfound freedom with caution and care, rather than going out with reckless abandon and thinking that I could party or hang out and still be good. When you have an addictive personality, it can be very easy to get caught up in things without much thought and not being able to turn it off.

Part of the reason I am so successful is due to this addictive nature that I wrestle with. Once I set my mind to something, I am for sure going all in and I am definitely going to double down on it. Many successful people do the exact same thing, when they go for something, they go for it hard and a common slogan or theme amongst entrepreneurs is “fail fast.”

The reason people like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffett are so successful is because they have a laser focus, and they go all in on what they believe in. None of them were half-assing their decisions, they weren’t just walking through life and hoping they would become successful. They were taking action, and they were grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns. It’s extremely cliche, but fortune favors the bold. If you truly want something and it is worth having then you need to commit to it fully and without reservations, you need to go all in and double down on your efforts.

Nowadays when you look into my closet you will see the makings of someone that is successful and yet not trying to take a lot of time figuring out what I am going to wear. Most of the closet is full of The North Face T-shirts (short sleeve and long), The North Face hoodies, a few Patagonia shirts and hoodies, and a few collared shirts. The brands I wear though represent success, at least in my mind and they make me feel successful which is important, but the clothing itself isn’t what makes you successful, it’s the feeling you get wearing it. You could be wearing a plain white T-shirt and some jogging shorts and if that’s what gives you feeling of success and accomplishment then that’s what matters.

The time saver and where I went all in on my clothing was that even though I felt like The North Face was a little to mainstream, I still went all in and double down on it and I literally have 75% North Face clothing and 25% miscellaneous. This makes my days easy hassle free and successful because I just have to choose a color scheme. I know I am most likely wearing The North Face, so from there it’s just what color and move on.

At this point, I am pretty committed to The North Face as a brand and I really like their motto or slogan of Never Stop Exploring, because it embodies my heart and soul to the core. I am one of those people who is always up for an adventure and always wanting to try new things and go new places. I hope that I never run out of curiosity, and I hope that I Never Stop Exploring and searching for new opportunities.

So, if you want to be successful and you aren’t sure where to start, start by going all in on whatever it is that you decide. Commit to it wholeheartedly and double down on it. Be like a Pit bull or a Bull dog and lock that jaw and don’t let up until you have accomplished whatever it is that you set out to do. If you are going to f-up do it big. Go big or go home. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

If you fail, fail forward and learn from the mistake so that you can eliminate it in the future. If the mistake keeps happening, review your process and if necessary, get a fresh pair of eyes on the situation so you can get an outside perspective that doesn’t have the same confirmation bias that you may have developed by being a part of the project. The one thing you don’t want to do is quit.

Success is a process, it’s not a destination. You don’t get to quit and take a vacation in successville, you have to keep progressing and moving forward, becoming stagnate is not success. Things that are moving and being refreshed become stagnate and/or stale. Success needs to be refreshed and revisited from time to time, because what you think is successful when you are just getting started is going to look a lot different 10-15 years down the road when you are a seasoned veteran that has been going all in and doubling down.

That’s all I got for you, for now, but I assure you I will have some more gems for you soon.

As always, get out there and start planting some seeds so you have some fruits to share with others. Sharing is caring!
