Are you living your best life, right now? I write a lot about money and finances and sometimes I do pieces about other random things, but right now I would like to have a serious conversation about where you are right now.

At the moment, I am living my absolute best life, but I know that there is so much more for me to do to be living an even better life. If you are being completely honest with yourself, do you think that you are living your best life? What does your best life look like? Is there anything missing from your life that you feel like could make you a lot happier?

My life right now is amazing, and I am incredibly happy and content, but I am still striving to live a life that I have not quite attained. I recently wrote out my top 5 goals/10-year plan. Goal 1 is to be incredibly wealthy which I have accomplished in every way, but financially. Goal 2 is to have $10,000 saved within one year and if you count my 401K, I am only a quarter of the way to that goal. Goal 3 is to have $100,000 saved within the next 3 years, still quite a long way to go to get there. Goal 4 is to have a net worth of at least $1,000,000 within the next five years and my final goal, goal 5 is to have a total net worth of $10,000,000 10 years from now.

Do you have any goals that you want to accomplish and if so, have you put them down on paper? If you haven’t put them down on paper or if you haven’t really given much thought to what you want to accomplish, why not? Maybe you are already there or maybe you feel like they are to far off and won’t be achievable in your lifetime, but I would like to encourage you to go big and set your aim at some very big and incredibly audacious goals.

The truth is, if you aren’t living your best life right now and you want to be, it’s probably because you haven’t actually set down and thought about what your best life actually looks like. If you don’t know what your best life looks like, then how could you possibly hope to create it. It would honestly be like trying to paint a portrait of a person without them in the room or without a picture of them. It’s really not that hard to live your best life, but your best life isn’t just going to come looking for you if you aren’t looking for it.

I’ll ask again just for good measure. Are you living your best life right now? If you are not, then I would like to tell you that there is not only hope for you but that you probably aren’t as far off from your best life as you think.

My best life right now is full of love and joy and peace and happiness. Even though I am striving for much more, I am also so incredibly content. I have so much to be thankful for and I thank my Creator and the wonderful universe that I live in for blessing me beyond measure and for always giving me so much more than I probably deserve.

If you are new to this blog then what you need to know is that just over three years ago, I was completely homeless and had absolutely nothing, with very little hope, but I did still have something that no one could take away from me. What I had was just enough hope, and just enough faith, and just enough self-belief that I could pull myself out of the predicament I was in. It wasn’t easy I assure you of that and it took a lot of humility to admit to myself that I had hit rock bottom, and I needed some help desperately, but I did it.

Maybe right now, you are in a place where you have a grand dream for your life, and it feels like everyone around you is laughing at you and telling you that you can’t do that. The truth is they are just scared, and they probably know that you actually can do it, but that would make them look bad because they gave up on their dreams so long ago. I want you to know right now that you are only one decision away from living your absolute best life and having everything you want and probably a little more.

How did I do it you might ask? Baby steps, it all started with baby steps or incremental wins that lead to bigger successes and bigger goals. My first goal was to get clean and sober and once I was able to do that, the next goal was to get a job. The first step I had to take though was walking into the City Rescue Mission in Oklahoma City and admitting that I needed help and that I couldn’t do it on my own, none of us can. My next goal was to get a job and after roughly six months of being at the City Rescue Mission I got my current job.

My next goal was to get a place of my own and I did that too. After that the goal was to get my own mode of transportation because when I first got my place, I was having to get ubers and lyft rides to work. After just a couple of weeks of doing that, I realized I had was spending enough on that to be able to afford a car payment and I had just enough saved for a down payment and to be able to get tags and insurance. For those of you who are new here, the car I am currently driving is a 2010 BMW 328i, not too bad for a guy that was homeless and had nothing just three years ago.

I have a closet full of clothes I have three racks full of shoes, I have art some bought and some that I did myself, I have TV’s, I have furniture, and I have beautiful and wonderful girlfriend and her loving family that loves me like one of their own. So, how did I turn it all around and how did I do it so quickly? Commitment, discipline, hope, faith, belief, and trust.

There was no genie in a bottle, there was no waving a wand and everything magically came together for me. I was fully committed to creating my best life and I had the discipline to fight through the hard times and I had a faith that no one could shake, because I knew that if I could survive out there on the streets of OKC and make it out of that situation alive then I could do just about anything.

Maybe your situation is different and nowhere near as bad as what I had to go through to get to where I am right now, but I want you to know that it doesn’t diminish your ability to achieve your goals and end up living your best life. I want you to know that you are not alone, and you are not on your own, the struggle is real, and many Americans are struggling at the moment just to make ends meet. The funny thing is though, there are plenty of people across the world that have it much worse and would trade most of us places in a heartbeat, so consider your situation and ask yourself do you really have it that bad.?

Now, how can you get to your best life? At this time, I’d like to ask you to do me a favor and find a sheet of paper or something you can write on. If you have something to write on, write out on that sheet what you want your life to look like and be as detailed as possible. Maybe your best life is to be around for your grandkids and maybe that means taking a better look at your health and how you are living. Maybe your best life is to be able to give back more by going out on the weekends and handing out water to homeless people. Maybe your best life is changing lives by telling your story and how you overcame something that you struggled with for years. Whatever it is write it down and commit to working on it a little bit every day.

If your goal is to be financially independent, and to have a nice house and nice cars with zero debt then write it down. You have a blank check to write for your best life you just need to put it down on paper so that you can actually see what it looks like and then come up with a simple yet effective plan to achieve those goals. If your goal is to be debt free, then you have a few courses of action and one of those is to spend less while trying to earn more. Once you are out of debt don’t get back into it. Leave yourself reminders on paper that help you remember how it feels to be in debt and fearful of not having enough.

On the flip side, write down encouraging words that remind you that there is more than enough in the world to go around, but understand that no one is just going to give it to you. You have to be willing to go out there and get it, you have to be willing to say what it is that you want and then go for it. Remind yourself that you are worthy of good things and that you deserve good things. You, having more doesn’t mean that someone else has to have less, just because you are smart, and you save some money and hold it for things that you will want later isn’t a bad thing. You can have it all, you just can’t have it all right now all at once, it’s going to take some time and just a little bit of patience and courage.

Today is your day to be courageous and to be bold and to take some decisive action that you are going to live your best life right now and you are going to be thankful for everything you have. You are enough, you are more than enough and there is more than enough to go around so get out there and get yours.

As always thanks for stopping by now get out there and start planting the seeds for your best life and it will soon be bearing the fruit of your efforts.
