Why I write and why I think you should too.

One of the main reasons why I write, is because just like oral or verbal communication, written communication is very powerful and has the ability to inspire people in so many ways. Words are very powerful and signals to the world and the universe at large what our dreams, goals, desires are, plus it just helps get what is inside of us out. It is really no fun having all of these seemingly great ideas in our heads with no outlet for them to be expressed so that they may like a seed plant something in a mind that may take the seed and turn it into some sort of fruit that feeds others.

It is often said that knowledge is power and if that is the case then the expression or the communication of that knowledge is kinetic power or kinetic energy. Knowledge just for the sake of knowledge is all but entirely in vain. Knowledge is meant to be shared and passed down from generation to generation. The whole reason that each and every one of us knows anything is because people thought it important to leave records through pictures, and written communications to keep the spread of knowledge alive.

Writing for me is a very powerful outlet, just like my painting which is a visual expression of what I am feeling on the inside and usually comes out looking like an explosion of energy. My writing however generally comes out much more concise and I feel as if I am able to communicate my points effectively.

I write because I am able to and because I am thankful for that ability. I also write to let the universe know that I am serious about trying to attain certain things and reach certain goals. I also write as a record of how I am feeling at certain times in my life. I also write because I understand exactly how powerful written communication is.

Today is March 12th, 2024, and I am nearly halfway through reading my fourth book of the year and each book has averaged 300 pages each. I am able to learn and grow my skills because someone took the time to write about a subject that I was interested, but maybe didn’t really know much about yet wanted to. Sometimes we do not even know or realize that we want to or need to know something and yet because someone took the time to write, we now have the option to learn something new.

Writing is also incredibly freeing or liberating to put it slightly more eloquently. That’s the other thing about writing that I love so much, you get to learn and research and use new or different words. Writing is something that has been in most of our lives since we were very young, but a lot of us got away from it because for a time we actually had to, and it felt forced, so we started to hate it. I remember writing journal entries as young as elementary school, and I remember taking a creative writing course in middle school and these are a few of the reasons why I still write to this day.

I am thankful for my new home, and I am thankful for my amazing new car, and I am also thankful for my incredible job and loving family. I am thankful for my ability to earn money very quickly, and I am so thankful that money is attracted to me and flows to me freely and continuously. These are examples of some simple affirmations that help to get energy flowing in these areas. I believe Joe Dispenza says it this way, “where attention goes energy flows.”

The reason I think you should write is because, I believe you have something to share with the world and the universe at large that we need to hear, and we need to hear it from you in your own words. Each of us as individuals have our own voice and our own perspective. We all come from different backgrounds, and we all have completely different experiences. Take for instance, the Bible has a section known as the “Gospels” which is coming from four of Jesus’s closest friends or associates known as disciples, and each of these four people record the same events to some degree, but each has a unique perspective or viewpoint, because of their unique backgrounds.

Like I said in a previous message, I am not a religious person, but I definitely have a knowledge of Christian beliefs as well as secular beliefs. Anyways, the point to the abovementioned reference of the bible is just to prove the point that all four perspectives even though they were all slightly different were all relevant. Maybe you don’t feel like you have anything truly original to say and to that I would say, for lack of a better term “that’s a bunch of hogwash.” You are unique and you have a unique perspective because you are the only you like you! So, write.

As always plant some seeds and bear some fruit. Be abundant and be fruitful.