What is life all about? Well, let’s be honest the answer to this question is very subjective. What life is all about is very different for everyone. For some people, life is simply about survival, for others it is an opportunity to thrive and really explore all of the thing’s life has to offer.

Personally, I have been in both situations, and I am currently in the exploration and thriving stages of life. As I have stated in previous posts, I have been homeless multiple times, and during that stage of my life it was all about survival and many people all over the world, all day every day for them is simply trying to survive another day.

It is very easy living in the United States of America to take things for granted and to become very narrowly focused on what we think is important in life (this applies to all parts of the world and all peoples living above the poverty line). Like I said right now, I am really focused on being successful and becoming wealthier and helping others to become wealthy and successful. The reason I am focused on this is because it is easier to help someone in need when you have what they need.

If someone is starving and I am broke then I really don’t have any way to help them, but conversely if I am wealthy then I have the means to help. Being wealthy is never really about being greedy, it is about working or laboring very intensively and bearing the fruit of that labor. Right now, I do not always give a lot, but I always give as often as I can. Like every time I go to McDonald’s I give my change to the RMHC (Ronald McDonald House Charity), and every time I go to the Goodwill and buy something I round up to the nearest whole dollar and donate to their cause.

For me life is all about making the world a better place, not just through lip service, but through action and intentionality. There are many opportunities to make a difference in the world and in particular an individual’s world. Many people when I was homeless gave me hope, by not just giving me money, but by also having good conversations with me and treating me like a real human being and not a piece of garbage.

Life is about being able to see the bigger picture as well as what is right in front of you. In the grand scheme of things, we are a very tiny piece of the whole, but for a lot of us we are the center of the universe, and it is hard to get out of our own way. There has to be some balance though and you have to be able to widen your focus at times. There was a quote from the Bible where Jesus said, many people having an opportunity to feed him, or clothe him, give to him had not and when they asked when did we see you hungry, or naked, or in need of help and we did nothing? His response was that basically any person that we see in need was the same as giving to him or helping him.

The moral to the story is easier to some up with the golden rule, do unto others as you would them do unto you. I don’t treat everyone like they are Jesus, but I also don’t forget that he sees them as himself which reminds me that I should see them as myself and I should treat them with dignity and respect no matter what they look like and no matter what their economic level, and/or education level may be. Life is about different things to different people, but one thing that should always be considered is how we can help and be of service to others.

It’s so easy for me to say, look at myself and what I have done. I am now successful especially compared to the fact that I was homeless not long ago. I am a giver and I am considerate of others. I am conscious of the whole and the role that I can play in it. I am, I am, I am. I feel like even though what and who I am is very important and I have a great sense of self-worth, but on the flip side of that I also have the ability to see myself through the lens of the cosmos.

Through the lens of the cosmos, I am but a speck of dust on a much larger speck of dust floating around a tiny light in a large body of lights which is still a small body of lights in terms of the sizes of galaxies. Isn’t it amazing how we can seem so big and so important and yet when we scale out and look at things in terms of the cosmic scene our importance is completely diminished. Again, if we scale out even further and we start to think about the probability that we are actually a part of a multiverse, then boom, mind blown, mic dropped and wow!!!

To put things in perspective. What life is all about, is living every day without fear and without regret and being the best versions of ourselves possible. Do everything, every day that you would not want to leave undone if you weren’t here tomorrow. Live to the fullest, love to the fullest, enjoy to the fullest, give to the fullest, believe to the fullest.

I will leave you with this, “It is all possible, the only thing that is impossible is the word impossible.”

As always get out there and plant some seeds and start bearing some amazing fruit.

Founder Magbunga.com