So, you want to be rich.? If you are taking a moment to see if this is a post worth reading, I am going to step out on a limb and say that you definitely want to be rich otherwise, why would you be here.?

If you are still interested, then I will lay it down fast and heavy for you in a fairly short fairly concise way so that you can build the foundation for consistent wealth building. Becoming rich to most people is making or having a certain dollar amount, but even more than that most people think being rich is about having really expensive things. Being or becoming rich is more about having a sustainable wealth cycle that keeps the money coming in and staying.

First if you are wanting to learn the stock market which is a really great way to build long term wealth which is one of the key ways to become rich, then click the following link:

So now that you have hopefully signed up for Robinhood and gotten your first $5 free to get your feet wet in your stock market investment journey, let’s move into some of the ways this is going to help you become rich. There are generally two ways to become rich in life especially if you are not famous already. Those two ways are usually A. investing B. building a company or business. Some of you may be thinking ok, but what about Real Estate, and you are not wrong, but I really break those down under A. and B.

The best thing to do with Real Estate is to invest in it, which you may not necessarily have the money to do right now, but there is a way to get started in this through REIT’s, which stands for Real Estate Investment Trust’s, which is basically like a mutual fund or hedge fund for Real Estate. I haven’t looked into REIT’s on Robinhood, because I am currently using my Robinhood money to invest in Crypto and more specifically Meme Coins. If you do not have enough money to buy your own properties or maybe you do not have the time and money to manage them, then the best thing you can do to still have a piece of this great investment vehicle is to invest in an REIT, do your homework first.

Let’s go a little bit deeper into investing in general. There are many ways to take get started in investing and the most common way is to invest in a 401K at your place of employment. While this is not the best way to get rich, it is the best way to get started. This is a very good way to get yourself into the investment world and it is all automatic. The best way to look at it is that you are putting a percentage of your paycheck directly into a savings account with a very high interest rate. The only downside for some people is that you can’t get the money out until you retire unless you want to pay a heavy penalty. The good thing about this though is that becoming rich is about building sustainable wealth and putting money into your 401K is an amazing way to do this and it is easy to set it and forget it.

For me personally, I have always invested in my 401K’s long before I have tried to build a stable savings account. My main reason for doing this is because I know that I like to spend money and I know that if it is accessible then I am going to use it at some point. I know me and I am honest with myself, so I like to put my money where I am unable to touch it and this is what is helping me build my long-term wealth while becoming rich.

The next thing that can be done is to build a business or a company which is basically the same thing, but I would break it down into, business is something that is more intangible, while the company is the more tangible thing. So, like the business is more about what you do while the company is more like where you do it so to speak like your headquarters. I may be wrong to some viewpoints, but that is just how I break it down.

For me though the key to building a strong and profitable business or company is to focus on the brand first! I mean obviously it’s all about the customer, consumer, or end user of your product or service, but your first focus should be your brand. For instance, I am building my brand Mabunga which means to bear fruit and the way I am doing that is by creating great content and building great social awareness through social media. So, I am doing this all by creating the brand first, but secondly and very important to making it work is connecting with my audience through amazing and helpful content.

The key here is that you really need to create something that gives your audience or fans a solution to a problem they might have, or you need to have something that gives them value for effort. How you do this is to deliver on your promise. How am I doing this, I am teaching you how to become rich, which means I am teaching you how to build long term sustainable wealth, right now specifically I am teaching you the importance of building brand awareness before you ever try to launch a product or service.

The problem is and I speak from experience, is that we often want to put the cart before the horse, in that we want to automatically just start putting the product or service out there without ever building a brand or a following and while this can work for some it will cause a higher burnout rate because you won’t get the results you are looking for immediately. Imagine if you build a brand or an awareness of your company/business and you build all this hype about you and your product or service, but yet you haven’t put it out yet. Your followers and fans are going to be ready and waiting versus you have no following and no fans, but you have a product or service and now you are having to figure out how to get someone to buy your product or service and they have no idea who you are, and they have no connection to you.

So far, we have laid the foundation for investing and starting a business, but we have really just planted a few seeds that will hopefully bear some fruit for you and us. As we get into a little bit more advanced tips and secrets of becoming rich in future posts, let me leave you with a few options that you can use to start making quick money through a few of my favorite side hustles.

Side hustle #1 is buy and flip things from thrift stores, especially Goodwill. By doing this I have had two great experiences I would like to share with you. A. I bought a bronze eagle vase from a Salvation army thrift store for $10.00 and I sold it later that day on eBay for $150.00, not bad for a days work. B. I recently bought a set of Ping moxie jr. Golf clubs for $14.99 and I sold it a few days later on Facebook marketplace for roughly $125.00. These are two simple examples of things that anyone could do and there are plenty of free ways to sell these things that you find in thrift stores through apps and social media.

Other side hustles that I have used, but don’t use on a regular basis include, mowing yards, drop shipping, window washing, dog walking, I mean honestly the sky is the limit. Find what your are passionate about and use that to your advantage to make money. If you love dogs dog walking is a great side hustle to make some quick cash and then take that cash and invest it in something that is going to make money with your money. If you truly want to become wealthy or rich then you need to have your money-making money, instead of just hiding it in a mattress or drawer and instead of letting it sit in a savings account that probably is losing money over time due to inflation.

Inflation is the number one cause of depleting wealth. If you have a million dollars and those million dollars never makes you an money through investments, then in ten years that million dollars is going to be worth a lot less. If you have been alive for at least 20 years this fact is quite obvious to you. Look at it like this, $20 barely gets you two meals at McDonald’s and probably doesn’t even cover the tax, whereas probably around ten years ago you could have bought at least 3 meals for the same amount of money. A candy bar when I was younger could easily be bought at a rate of 3 for 99 cents. Now if you want three of the same candy bars its probably going to cost around $6.00. As you can see over time, the cost of services and goods increases, but the value of the dollar does not, and to make matters worse there is a high probability that the dollar itself could fail.

The best and most successful way to become rich and wealthy is to educate yourself and become extremely valuable as a person, a brand, or a commodity. You are the only you and so you are your best and most valuable investment you will ever have. Look for more posts like this that will give you even more insight and more exclusive tips and tricks that you are only going to get in this community.

As always get out there and plant some seeds, so you can start bearing some amazing fruit.
