I know I got you with this one for sure, because you are super curious as to where I am going with this. There are really to basic directions I could go, being like really define the difference between the two or I can and actually will talk about how a lot of content creators are pandering to the lowest common denominator with their content, rather than creating really good really amazing content that will cause their audience to really ponder and do some deep introspection.

So, what do I mean by pandering to the lowest common denominator? It’s really quite simple, because a lot of content creators are just creating content to try and earn money and then they want to teach us how to do it. Let’s be honest who doesn’t want to learn how to make more money and in the simplest ways possible right.? Not all of them do this, but a lot of them are just trying to create clickbait type stuff, which usually ends up being a huge bait and switch.

Instead of just creating some really good really informative and really engaging content, they use a common goal, and I will do it to so watch out for it, lol. Truthfully though, I don’t really mean to hate on them or throw shade at them, because like I said I will be doing some of this myself, but when I do it I am going to make sure that the content is authentic and true to my core beliefs. Do I create content because I want to make money? Hell yeah!!! Is that my first or only motivation? Hell No!!!

The goal of all content creation should be to add value to someone else or something else. Like for example if I were to write a post about Taylor Swift just for the fact that she has a huge following that I am trying to tap into, I’m not saying that this is a bad thing, but it should add value to the Taylor Swift and her fanbase. Let’s be honest Taylor Swift is a phenomenal example of the sweet mixture of a beautiful disaster!

Before you cancel me let me explain, where I am coming from. On the surface Taylor Swift is the pinnacle and epitome of what most people dream of their life being. Taylor swift is incredibly successful and has had many great loves… or has she.? Due to the fame, attention, and celebrity status that Ms. Swift has achieved she has been an easy target for public scrutiny. It would be incredibly easy to question, is Taylor Swift incapable of finding true love?

When you break it down Ms. Swift has not really had just like these crazy torrid affairs or romps or anything like that, but from the outside looking in it appears that she can’t keep a man, or a man can’t keep her. I don’t know or care whose fault it is, hers or theirs, I can say this. Even though her breakups make for really good song content and lyrics, she’s not doing herself any favors in attracting a long-term potential mate, because they have a lot on the line. Best case scenario they get with her and keep her, and they live happily ever after, bonus, score, win, Hell yeah. Worst case scenario, she is going to be singing about you on her next album, which there could be some upside there as well, because all publicity is good publicity right.?

If you are smart, then you can already see what I did here right.? I started you off in one direction and then suddenly we ended up in a different direction with basically a bait and switch. It wasn’t exactly because I was talking about pandering, which is the Taylor Swift part of the post, but to the ponder part of the post I hope you gained some insight into how to really tell a story and present it in a Devil’s advocate kind of way. It may seem as if I took some jabs at Ms. Swift and her love life, but that’s really not the goal. The goal is to make you and maybe even her ponder, what it truly is that makes arguably the most desirable female on the planet to appear to be bad relationship material.

The other thing that I want you to ponder is why you consume and digest the content that you digest. Hopefully it is to learn and connect with an idea that you resonate with and that is going to give you more knowledge and deeper insights into something that you care about. I love to tell stories and everything that I write, and share is basically freestyled from my years of experience at life in general and it’s really just things that are in my brain that I need to get out. All of the knowledge and understanding in my brain does very little good if I don’t share it and allow others to possibly learn something that could provide incredible value to themselves or someone, they know that could benefit from my perspective.

It’s very easy to get lost in this cycle of just scrolling through social media feeds and becoming inundated with low quality, but maybe humorous content that adds no value and really almost detracts from a person’s depth and originality. It becomes very easy to want to emulate these influencers and celebrities because it looks like they have things really good on the surface, but A. they are still just as human as you and I, plus B. they get no, or very little privacy and their lives are constantly bombarded, and I imagine unbelievably exhausting. Once again not meant to be hate or shade, but it’s just not the life I am looking for.

I enjoy my anonymity, but I also don’t mind people knowing who I am and what I have done. I just wouldn’t want the constant attention and the hassle of trying to just get some space without everyone thinking something is incredibly wrong, I just recharge a little differently than others. My space, my solitude, and my ability to move around without anyone dictating when, how, and where I go is everything to me. I truly love to just sit and ponder things like the meaning of life or why we have had solar powered calculators and grills since the late 80’s early 90’s yet the technology has had devastatingly slow adoption. I also like to ponder things like all of time existing all at once and how to something somewhere everything is just laid out perfectly and in such a static manner that for us it would be like looking at a drawing and seeing it all as the totality of existence.

Anyways, it’s time for me to let you go ponder some things and for you to really take a hard look at whether you like to be pandered to or whether you like for the content you consume to be something that makes you ponder.

As always get out there and plant some seeds because at some point down the road those seeds are going to grow into something beautiful and really start to bear some amazing fruit.

Founder Magbunga.com