To those who may be unfamiliar with the term manifestation, let me lay out a few buzz words and key concepts for you to consider. Manifestation according to Webster’s dictionary is any of the following: Manifestation is the act, process, or an instance of manifesting something or someone. It can also mean a perceptible, outward, or visible expression of something


the act, process, or an instance of manifesting

demanded some manifestation of repentance


something that manifests or is manifest


perceptible, outward, or visible expression

external manifestations of gender


one of the forms in which an individual is manifested

Hate in all its manifestations is wrong.


an occult phenomenon


Above is one of my vision boards that I created digitally.

Vision Boards one of the buzz words and also a great tool in the manifestors tool bag.

Now, that we have that out of the way let’s dive in to how we are going to think about manifesting for the purposes of this discussion. Manifesting is the process of deciding what you want that is tangible, focusing intently on that desire, and taking some real action towards making that desire a reality.

What manifesting is not: manifesting is not simply stating what you want and then sitting around waiting for it to happen as if by magic.

So, what are some basic steps that you can start implementing right now to make manifestation a tool that actually works? Begin with the basics mentioned above. Decide what it is you truly want and start to visualize the thing you want or the situation you want to happen. Imagine yourself in the situation or imagine yourself holding the object you desire and feel it as if it is tangible and get the feeling of how it is going to feel when it is a reality.

The other part, the take action part is going to be for instance. Let’s say you desire a new job or a promotion. Do not simply wish for a new job or promotion, and do not stop at just visualizing the job or promotion, apply for the job and start to perform tasks at work that are going to get you noticed in a good way, like going above and beyond what you are expected to do.

Maybe you thought manifestation was not going to require much effort, like all you had to do was make your wish to the universe and the universe would just grant your wish without you having to lift a finger and without having to ever actually do something. WRONG!

Manifestation requires something of you. You must be willing to show the universe that you are serious about what you want. Things will definitely start to fall into place as if by magic or random coincidence, but it is your efforts that are lining up with the universe that is causing all of the serendipitous moments that are going to lead to your manifestation coming to fruition.

One thing that I personally manifested was my BMW 328i which to be quite honest for where I was at the time was a bit of a stretch, but I and the universe made it happen. Now let me pause here and clarify what I mean by the Universe making it happen. When I am referring to the universe I am referring to: “The Source”, “The All”, whatever that may be to you fill in your own blanks, maybe you call it God or Allah or something to that affect. I simply refer to it as the universe, the all, or the source mainly as not to offend anyone, but also just because I do not personally know what we would call it in this day and age.

I do have a religious background, but this is in now way a religious site by any stretch of the imagination. I will probably even refer to some religious concepts, but I do not back nor am I affiliated with any religious group or society, I simply know what has worked for me and I am sharing what I have learned with others to help them become more abundant, prosperous, and successful in their endeavors.

So, what were some of the actions that I took to getting my BMW? Well, one thing that I have really found that worked for me was journaling or basically writing out a small story of what it was I was trying to manifest. For instance, (and I did this even before I got it) I am so thankful for my BMW, it is such and amazing car and it looks and drives wonderful. Little things like this go a long way in manifesting. Especially, the gratitude part, be thankful and really feel the joy that you are going to have driving around in that new car or living in that new house. Create a full story around it and it will really help with your visualization, plus the activity of journaling signals to the universe that you are taking this desire very seriously.

Some other things that I have had great success manifesting is clothing and other household items. So, I am incredibly picky you might say, lol, but truth be told I have just set a specific standard for the things I want to wear and the way I want to be perceived. The way I achieved this was when I would journal, I would write out the specific brands that I would like to find and basically, I was hunting for some of the best brands or at least brands that I am very fond of. What was it specifically that I was searching for: Patagonia, The North Face, Marmot, Arc’teryx, Southern Tide, Vineyard Vines, OnCloud, Hoka, UGG, Vuori, Merrell, and such like just to name a few off the top of my head.

Anyways, I did not have a lot of money to be spending on these items and they are not cheap by any means, but I was quite confident that through manifestation I could find many of these items used at thrift stores in good condition and I did. Now my closet is full and overflowing with the name brands I was journaling about and a few new ones that I was previously unaware of. Now I understand that you may be a little skeptical and thinking to yourself like yeah right this was not a result of just journaling and visualizing, but if you had been there on the many occasions when I would go and just find some of the items it was as if they had been placed there just for me at just the perfect timing for when I had the money and I happened to be there and grab it before anyone else.

I will take pictures and show a lot of the great things that I am talking about. I honestly have so many North Face t-shirts that I am basically starting to wear them as undershirts, and I truly got them on average for roughly $3 to $5 each. I also have a shoe collection reaching roughly thirty pairs and my hoodie game is pretty on point. I say all that to say this, manifesting is not hard and even though some action is required, it’s not super labor intensive. It really can be as simple as writing out some small stories or journaling and just saying something like: “I am so thankful for all of the amazing name brand clothing (do not be afraid to get very specific about the items that you are wanting to find, to be honest the more direct and specific you are the better it works) that I am finding in such great condition, and I am so thankful that I am getting for such an amazing price.

So, there you have it, these are the basics of manifesting in a nutshell. I will write more posts on this topic in the very near future and I will even get into a little bit more detail about some advanced concepts and theories of what makes this all work.

Plant the seeds and give them an opportunity to bear some great fruit.