One way to plant seeds that can grow into something very large, is to invest. Even if you have never invested your money in any meaningful way in the past, now is a great time to start. Maybe you have invested a little bit, but never really took the time to make it a habit and make it something that could bear great fruit in the future.

To be completely honest investing has never been easier at any time in human history than it is right now! That’s not to say that investing itself is something that doesn’t require some research, knowledge, and understanding. I am simply saying that it has never been easier to get into the act of investing.

Investing comes in many forms and can be as simple as taking a set amount, whether it be a dollar amount or a percentage, of your paycheck and investing in a 401K provided by the company you work for (assuming you work and the company you work for offers a 401K). Another really easy way to start investing is to join Robinhood which will give you your first $5 USD to start investing and get your feet wet in the stock market and or crypto market. These are a couple of very easy entry level ways to get started in investing in your future.

Now here are few ideas to help you to get going.

The A of the “ABC’s of Investing” is ACT, or ACTION.  The number one key to investing is getting started.  Even if you don’t know a lot or anything about investing, just get started and start learning as you go.  You must act though; you must take the first step.  So, there are many ways to get started.  Step 1: find out if the company you work for offers a 401K.  If so, then find out how to enroll in your companies 401K and do it immediately.  Also, if you do not work for a company that offers a 401K or if you work for yourself there are other options.  Option 1: is a great tool to get started in the Stock market.  Sign up for Robinhood with my link and we’ll both pick our own gift stock 🎁

There are many other ways to get started in investing, but for the time being and to make this lesson quick and concise we are going to keep things simple by limiting the choices.

The B of the “ABC’s of Investing” is BUILD or BUILD YOUR PORTFOLIO.  So, if you are new to investing to put it simply, portfolio is a term for the different stocks, or investments that you own or hold.  The Build part of this though is not solely about building your portfolio it is also about building your knowledge of the investment arena.  Also, when you find some investments that you really like you want to build up your position, which simply means that you want to build up the amount of stock that you hold in a particular brand or business.

The C of the “ABC’s of Investing” is CONTIUE, CONTINUATION.  Simply put, getting started is easy, but continuing to follow through, especially with all of the ups and downs of investing can be a little trickier.  Continuing your investment journey is the ultimate way to secure your future and boost your wealth building power exponentially.