A little backstory is always important. So, I suppose the best place to start is what really motivates me. Well, I grew up in Edmond, Oklahoma, which is a very thriving city. I was raised as an only child, by a single mother who worked incredibly hard to keep us housed and put food on the table.

Needless to say, we were not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. The one thing that my mother was very rich in though was love and support. My mother was the epitome of love and support. It did not matter what I did or how bad I messed up she still loved and supported me as though I had never done anything wrong a day in my life.

The other thing that my mother showed me through her actions was work ethic. When I was younger, I remember her being so proud of finally making $5.00 an hour which even in the 80’s the decade I was born in, it still wasn’t a whole lot and I mean she had been with that company for many years before finally making $5.00 an hour.

She worked at multiple different companies after that and never really made much money, but it was always enough to support us and get us through. What always amazed me was, she always would leave for work early and do whatever was asked of her even though she was not making much more than minimum wage. That is true work ethic. Despite the pay a person still shows up on time every day and does not just do the bare minimum, but actually strives to go above and beyond despite the conditions.

So, I guess, it is safe to say that my mother has been my overarching motivation for attaining success in everything I have and do. My mother passed away several years ago and I still feel as though I owe everything, I have to her because she raised me right, to the best of her ability.

Now, to the real reason why I started this website and named it Magbunga.com. I am the fruit of all of my mother’s labors and struggles and I intend to be not just a good fruit, but a great fruit. I know that probably sounds a bit silly calling myself a fruit, but it is kind of true what they say right. “the apple does not fall far from the tree.”

I have now made it my mission to help others to become successful and to bear more fruit the right way. Some recent backstory that is vitally important to help set the stage for success is. I was recently homeless, just a little over two years ago and had absolutely nothing. Just a few clothes, no money, no real prospects for jobs and very little hope. I will go a little further in depth on this topic in another post.

Suffices to say, that in a very short period of time I have been able to completely turn my life around and start actually bearing some incredible fruit. For instance, two years ago when I started on my current career path I was given a job as a production worker in a bottled water company. I started out making $12.00 and I have now increased my wages by roughly 75% in just two short years. I also live in a pretty decent neighborhood in an apartment with my lovely girlfriend and I drive a 2010 BMW 328i, not too bad for a guy that was just homeless and completely broke only two years earlier.

This is just a small part of my backstory and I promise I will go into more detail very soon, but for now let’s just leave it where it is. The point is, I have a lot to teach on the subject of success, adversity, tenacity, and how to build wealth, prosperity, and abundance when the proper seeds are planted.

This is not a get rich quick solution, but we can offer anyone no matter where they are coming from in life, how to reach higher heights and achieve financial success through a variety of methods that will build lasting wealth for yourself and hopefully your future generations.

Magbunga.com Founder,

Jeremy Harbison