In this post I am going to lay out the blueprint to get what you want when you want it!

Step 1 of the blueprint is deciding what you want and believing that you can have it quickly. To expound on this a little bit you will want to get as specific as possible on what it is that you actually want. For instance, I go to the thrift store all of the time and I have spoken about in previous posts how I generally find exactly what I am hoping to find. Recently I have been finding a lot of hats that I have been really excited about, which have mostly been Patagonia, (one of my favorite brands), but I also found a really neat color NASA hat that matches well to a few of my new polo shirts, and lastly, I found a Red Dirt Hat Co. hat.

Now the important thing for you is how did I do it right? Well, let me give just a little more backstory because it has not always been this way. I go to the Goodwill thrift stores religiously and there have been just as many times that I have left empty handed as I have left with great items. The way that I flipped this in my favor of find what I wanted was A. I would journal about it and I would write quick notes/letters of thankfulness for the items I am hoping to find and B. I have such a strong hope and belief that I am going to find exactly what I want.

The key to success in getting what you want and when you want it is a little bit of planning. It’s magic for sure, but it’s not as simple as just rubbing a lamp a genie popping out and immediately granting your wish. There is a process and there is a little bit of work involved, but once you used to it and do it several times and you start to see and know that it is working and things didn’t use to work out that way for you, the work will be worth it.

The second step is to put yourself in the position to get what you want. For my example, I will go back to the thrift store and just say that I put myself in a position to find what I want because I am there and I am focused on what I am looking for at the time. I have shown in a previous post and I might add the photos to the end of the post, but I showed all of the North Face T’s and apparel that I have found for super cheap at the thrift stores and now I have moved on to other items that I am trying to collect. Another example is that I was looking for a bookcase, but I only had three books at the time. I got the bookcase and now I have two full rows of books and I am working on filling up a third. Also, and this was my biggest one recently that just cemented that what I was doing was working and it was my stand-alone hat and coat rack.

So, the point of step two is that you have to put yourself in position to receive what you want. Maybe you aren’t looking for stuff at the thrift store, maybe you are looking for a raise or a promotion which will hopefully come with a raise. In this situation the way you position yourself is to still journal even if it’s just a couple of sentences and then visualize and intently focus on the outcome that you are going to achieve. Notice there I said going to achieve instead of trying to achieve, trying shows a lack of belief whereas going to achieve implies that it is going to happen and shows strong belief. It is subtle differences like that which propels some people to be successful in their endeavors and others to wonder why all the good stuff seems to happen for everyone else.

The other things you want to do with positioning for raises and promotions is to remain consistent and maybe go the extra mile a little more often without expecting anything for it. Another thing you want to do is put yourself in front of the boss enough that they can’t forget you, but don’t go overboard here. Currently, I am a Quality Control Tech at my current job, but I also hold a certification that only two other people in the company have so I am definitely on the radar of the CEO/Owner and the President of the company, but another thing I do is I ask really good questions every once in a while, that have nothing to do with my position. One of those questions came the other day when we had to use a different label on a bottle of water that we don’t usually use and I asked the question “what is the difference in Cost of Goods Sold to us for using this label instead of the one we usually use?” He answered and told me it was an extra $.03 per bottle, which doesn’t seem like a whole lot, but multiply that by 24 packs in a bottle, then 72 cases per pallet, times 40 or so pallets and now you have lost roughly $2,000+/-.

What that did for me was it showed that I have knowledge of things way beyond my pay grade and that I think about other aspects of our business that are important to know even though they are not directly related to what I do within the company at this time. Another thing I did recently, but it was a little while ago was that I gave the owner/CEO a book that I had been reading, but it felt like it would be more useful to him. Once again this puts me in his mind from time to time when he sees the book and it makes me hard to forget. It’s the little things that are important and go a long way and it’s the little details that will be the most impactful.

Once we have decided what we want and we have an unshakeable belief that we will achieve what we want and we have positioned ourselves to receive what we want, now we double down on what we want.

Step three is doubling down on what you want and when you want it. I am going to go to the thrift store today and I want a great book that is going to help improve me in some meaningful way. I mostly get and read books on success, business, financial literacy, and such like. Other than that, I would like to find maybe another cool hat, a pair of amazing shoes and maybe a great pair of pants/or shorts. The way I doubled down here is that I am proclaiming what I am looking for and the other way that I am doubling down is by visualizing myself being excited as I am walking out of the thrift store with these items. The biggest way that I am doubling down in this scenario though is that I am making it public and not just journaling about it privately.

How can you double down and make your manifesting successful so that you can get what you want when you want it? Well, first be very specific about what you want and the timeframe you want it to take place. That will look something like this: My name is (fill in your name here) and I want (fill in what you want here) and I want it by (fill in when you want this item.) Now, that’s one way to do it, but everyone in the manifesting stratosphere says don’t come from a place of lack or want so I will give you the same scenario, but in a more powerful way which will give you results even quicker. My name is (blank) and I know that I am about to go to the thrift store and find an amazing Patagonia hat, a book on success, a Vineyard Vines polo, and a pair of Bonobos pants, and I am going to find a nice pair of Hoka’s.

That was my example based on what I said earlier about going to the thrift store today, but I got specific about what I wanted.

Lastly, now that you have the framework of the blueprint, I will leave you with the last, but could be done in a different order, step that is going to make this all work exactly as we know it will. Lastly, be thankful and grateful before you even receive what it is that you are wanting. Use your own words, but it should look something like this. (Blank) I am so thankful for the Patagonia hat, and the book, and the polo, and the pants, and the shoes that I know I am about go receive. The way I personally usually write this out is as follows: Lord God, Source, Universe I am so thankful for all that you do for me and I am so thankful for the Patagonia hats that I have been finding at the thrift store recently and I am thankful because I know I am about to find another one. Lord God, Source, Universe, I am so thankful and grateful for my blessed, abundant and prosperous life and I thank you because I know that I am about to find some really amazing items at the thrift store today when I go.

Those are just a few examples of what you can do to get what you want when you want it. Is it a little bit of work, sure, but once you make it a habit it really just becomes second nature and it’s like breathing. You will start to find yourself receiving a lot more things that you weren’t even expecting because you have just made it a lifestyle. Sure, there will be sometimes when you might go through a little dry spell and not get what you are wanting, but at that point it’s time to review your process and see if you are working your steps properly because if you are then you will receive exactly what you want when you want it.

Let’s do a quick review so that you have a quick view blueprint of the steps: Step one, decide what you want and believe you can have it. Step two, position yourself to receive what you want. Step three, double down on your efforts (it shows that you are serious about what you want.) The final step is, just be thankful and grateful, not just for what you are about to receive, but for all of the great things you already have. I truly think the thankfulness is the most important step so please do not leave this step out. Think about it aren’t you much more likely to give something to someone you know is going to be thankful and grateful vs. the person who just takes your gift and doesn’t even acknowledge that you just gave them something. The answer should be obvious.

Well, that’s it for now, I hope this gave you some helpful and useful insight into how the most successful manifesting experts achieve their goals.

As always, get out there and plant some seeds and be thankful for the fruits that you reap from your harvest.
