I have had the entrepreneurial mindset for as long as I can remember. Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the most rewarding things that a person can do. It is incredibly empowering and can provide a sense of accomplishment, freedom, and flexibility that a normal 9-5 job just can’t do.

I can remember when the entrepreneurial bug truly bit me. I must have been around 5-6 years old and my grandfather who was a cigarette smoker at the time, offered to pay me about a nickel for every cigarette butt that I picked up and put in a coffee can so he could add them up after I cleaned up the yard. I was out there for a while and when I came back up to the house to ask for another coffee can my grandpa said, “what are you doing picking up butts from the neighbor’s yard as well?” Needless to say, my grandpa decided to renegotiate for a penny a cigarette butt because I had found so many.

At that point, I knew nothing about entrepreneurship, but I knew I had a drive to really go above and beyond and find out of the box ways to earn money. I have always been fascinated by numbers and money and how easy it can be to make money. It’s as easy as someone has a problem or has something they don’t want to do or don’t know how to do, but they are willing to pay someone to do it for them.

This was one of the first of many times that I would work for my grandparents doing a small job and earning some money. Earning money is fairly easy yet working for yourself is not always as easy. Entrepreneurship isn’t all roses and sunshine though, so it is really important to know your pain tolerance and consider some pain points going into it.

Many entrepreneurs, coaches, and mentors are starting to talk about it, but the truth is as long as you are prepared and have realistic expectations, you can become successful working for yourself. It’s all about drive and motivation. These two things when coupled together will propel you through the tough times that will come, especially in the beginning.

This is what my day looks like right now: I usually wake up between 8 and 9 a.m. and I start my cup of coffee, then I spend roughly an hour reading trying to learn something new, then time permitting I turn on the TV and watch/listen to a favorite podcast which is more learning and mentoring. While I am listening to the podcast I am usually writing a post, which is what I am doing now (I am watching Lewis Howes of the School of Greatness podcast and he is interviewing Rob Dial). I can’t fully focus on the podcast because I am more in tune with what I am writing, but I am still subconsciously picking up what I am hearing in the background.

Usually after I finish the podcast or even halfway through it have to start getting ready for work. Yeah, you heard that correctly, I am building my business and my brand while still working a full-time job 40+ hours a week and I am working for my friend on the weekend, another entrepreneur like me and like you. I know this doesn’t sound like what most people want to do because it sounds like to much work, but the alternative is to do nothing and continue doing the 40+ hours a week for someone else and never having a business of my own, which for me is unacceptable.

At the moment of this writing, I am putting in a minimum of 43-44 hours a week at my current job and I am happy, but not really fulfilled. The fulfilling part of my day is doing this right here and hopefully helping others to build up their goals, and hopes, and dreams. On the weekend working for my friend, I am doing two things: A. I am earning a little extra money while learning some new skills and B. I am quizzing my friend and getting more information about his entrepreneurial journey.

When I get off work throughout the week, I am usually spending a little bit more time on the website and either writing or trying to create visuals for the articles. As soon as my girlfriend gets home, I give her my time and attention, because this is something that I want to share with her instead of driving her away because I don’t focus enough on her and our relationship. Becoming an entrepreneur doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice relationships, but at the same time there are going to be some sacrifices made to relationships.

The relationships that may need to be sacrificed if entrepreneurship is your ultimate goal are going to be those toxic relationships that don’t align with your goals. For instance, if you have a friend or partner that is constantly wanting to pull you away from the things you love to do to go do things like party or whatever it may be, then at the very least you may have to set some boundaries. Your time is the most precious commodity that you have, and you can’t get it back once it is gone so it is important to make every moment count.

I like the concept or idea of a 4-hour work week, but to me it’s not very realistic and anyone who tells you that you can have a four-hour work week is setting you up for failure. The reason I say this is because I have worked with and for many entrepreneurs and they are honestly some of the busiest people I have ever met. Whether you are a solopreneur or whether you have a few or several employees you will be still doing some sort of work. The great part is that you are doing it for yourself, and it is setting you up for a journey that is going to become easier and more comfortable with time.

The reality is that it’s hard to accomplish much in four hours a week and if all the effort that you put into your business, or your income streams is during those four hours then your income streams are going to dry up really quickly and you will find yourself needing to put in a little more time and effort. What you get out of this, and your endeavors is always going to be in direct proportion to what you are putting into it. If you want more out of life and your business, then you are going to have to put more into life and your business.

The keys to success for me, are reading and learning, but also taking action as I am learning. The true key to success is taking action and getting started. Whatever it is that you want to do, whether it be mowing yards or starting a full-blown corporation you have to start somewhere. Buy a lawn mower, write a business plan, create a concept and put it on paper or in your computer, or mobile device. Just start somewhere and do something, the only way to become an entrepreneur is by taking action.

I will create a part two of this very soon and add a lot more useful information as far as action steps and more Ideas of things you can do if you think you have the entrepreneurial mindset and the motivation, and devotion to put in the time and effort into making your dreams come true.

So long for now and as always, go plant some seeds and get ready to see the fruits that you will reap from your actions.

Founder Magbunga.com