I shared a little bit about manifesting in a previous post, but this post is going to go much deeper into what it really is and what it really takes to start manifesting at a Master level.

It all begins with Mindset… so let that sink in for a moment before you continue reading. Now, let’s build on the mindset of manifesting. For starters, you have to believe absolutely and wholeheartedly in the concept and eventually it will just become a natural part of your life to where you know you manifested something, but it just feels like oh yeah, I totally just made that happen.

One of the first things I would recommend to help you understand what manifesting is really about would be to watch “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, I believe it is and this will kind of get you more up to speed on some of the processes and concepts involved. The next step would be to get all the way to the end of this post because it is going to be full of tips and tricks.

For those who may be completely new and green to the concept of manifesting, the basic concept is that whatever you think about or whatever you truly desire, as long as you have a very firm belief that you can have it, then it will come to you. Some of the key concepts, terms or often used phrases that go along with manifesting are Law of attraction, Visualization, Vision Boards and many other buzz words that are escaping me as I write this.

What you need to know though, is that you can attract good and or great things to yourself just by thinking about it. Some of the things that I have manifested, were things that I absolutely knew 100% that I had manifested it, because it was just things that don’t happen every day. Like, for instance a few weekends ago, I found a coat/hat rack like the stand-up kind that you just absolutely do not find hardly ever, but I found it at one of my favorite thrift stores and I had never seen one there before ever.

One of my favorite ways to manifest though is through journaling and I do it in a very specific way. I always start off most of my journaling with a simple Thank you or a statement of thankfulness. I am so thankful for this day, and I am so thankful that I am so blessed and so abundant. From there I usually go into something like what it is that I am wanting to manifest, but I also kind of go with being thankful for some of the things I have recently manifested.

That looks something like this, I am so thankful for the North Face hoodie that I recently got for such a great deal, and I am so thankful for the new Patagonia hoodie that I know I am about to get. As you can see, one of the big things about manifesting and using the law of attraction, is thankfulness and or gratefulness. Another thing that I got that was a huge manifest for me was a G-shock watch that I had been wanting and looking at.

For me a G-shock watch was not really something that I would splurge on and buy for myself, not that I couldn’t afford it, but it just isn’t really how I usually spend my money. So anyways, it was around Christmas, and I had been looking at them and wanting one for a while and my girlfriend and I had even looked at them together for my birthday which was a month before Christmas, but again I was just kind of like ehh maybe next time.

I honestly had pretty much completely put it out of my mind and then my girlfriend and I went up to her parents place to celebrate our Christmas with them, which ended up being at New years which we combined, and lo and behold we are opening up Christmas gifts and to my surprise I find myself unwrapping a small gift and I see the telltale signs of what ends up being the G-shock watch. I know it seems like oh well that’s not that amazing, but honestly it came from my girlfriend’s mom and stepdad.

Obviously, my girlfriend knew I wanted one, but let’s be honest a G-shock watch (<–link to more affordable version) as a gift for Christmas is a pretty big ask, especially during such rough economic times. Anyways the other thing about manifesting is that it’s not about the desperate wanting or needing of something. Like I said before I wanted it, I then looked at them without making the purchase myself, and then I just let it go to the universe, or to God, or to the Source, whatever it is that you believe fulfills your greatest wishes and desires.

Magbunga Hot Watches

Decide what it is that you want and make it very clear exactly what you want, then start to visualize it like by seeing yourself receiving it, and then let it go. Another way to go with it, is like I said earlier, which is journal about the thing or the situation that you are trying to create and be as detailed as possible. An example of this is and I will use a personal reference, I am currently in the process of manifesting a black four door Porsche, but I currently drive a BMW 328i. One of the ways I do this other than seeing myself driving around in it and seeing it sitting out in front of my house where my current car sits, I also journal in this way: I am so thankful for the amazing new black four door Porsche that I now own because it is so amazing, and it makes me so happy.

These are just a few examples of manifesting and how it works and how you can become a master at manifesting. Now here are some ways that you can get some great info on manifesting and law of attraction. One, get on YouTube and start looking for videos on manifesting and law of attraction. Some of my favorites include, Joe Dispenza, anything to do with Neville Goddard, Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer or Dwyer, and once you look up a few of these it will open you up to the world of manifesting and you might find some great storytellers on the subject such as Jake Ducey and Elmer O. Locker jr.

Once you start to really unlock the power of manifesting within yourself you will start opening new doors that you once only dreamed about. I honestly thought I would probably be in my 60’s before I would ever own a BMW of any kind and yet within one year of being homeless, I bought and have now had my BMW 328i for the past two years. If you have a Christian background, then this should come very easily if you know anything about faith and belief.

Lately I have been manifesting some amazing clothing as I am transitioning and leveling up my fashion game. Like today for instance, I found a pair of Bonobos dress/casual pants in a cool almost baby blue which are normally $99 retail and I found them at a Goodwill for $5.99. I have been finding some amazing new books that I have been wanting to read and much more.

Think about what you want, focus on it intentionally, act as if you already have it, and then just let it go because you know that it is already yours. That is Manifesting like a Master in a nutshell.

If this has piqued your interest, and maybe you have some specific questions or maybe you just want someone to believe with you for the things you want, hit me up and let’s make it happen.

As always get out there and plant some seeds and start bearing the fruit of your desires.

-Founder Magbunga.com

(*In this post there may be promotional affiliate links which I get paid for when someone buys something through my affiliate link.)

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