Do you want to “attract the life you want? How silly of me, of course you do, that’s why you’re here right!? Attracting the life, you want is not exactly easy but it’s also not as hard as it may seem either.

Today I am going to teach you my top ways that I have found through my research of watching 100’s of videos totaling 1,000’s of hours of footage and reading several articles and books on the subject. The truly valuable thing for you is I put these practices to the test and so I have been able to distill the information into the most effective strategies that are going to help you “attract the life you want” in the shortest time possible.

So, where do you start? Getting started is always the hardest part, but I am going to simplify it for you. The best place to start is clearly defining what it is that you want to attract. You want to do this multiple times in multiple ways. First you might want to start with one or two things that are really specific, but then you will also want to do some broad and more long-term things that you want to attract.

What that is going to look like is: I want to attract more money, or I want to attract more people that are going to help me make more money. You can substitute money for anything that you want to attract, like I want to attract some North Face clothing for cheap or maybe you want to attract the love of your life or more friends. No matter what it is you can attract it, you just have to know how.

Long term you might want to attract a new home or a new car or a better career. Even though you can attract these quickly, let’s be honest these things can take time so be patient, but know that they will come to you if you are serious about attracting them. One of the long-term things that I attracted into my life was my 2010 BMW 328i that was always a dream, but something I never really thought I could achieve until it actually happened.

Now that you know what you want it’s time to put some action into attracting what you want. The best action you can take is to write down the things you want to attract. This act does several things: 1. This sends a signal to the Universe, God, the Creator, whatever it is that you believe in even if you only believe in yourself, that you are serious about this desire. Attracting what you want into your life is going to take some action, everything you desire isn’t just going to fall into your lap magically just because you think about it and then poof here it is. 2. After you write down what it is that you want, you need to visualize it and you need to see it happen or you need to see the goal achieved. So, to the best of your ability and feel free to close your eyes when you practice this: get a sharp mental image of you in the new Black 4-door Porsche that you are trying to attract and how it is going to feel driving it or how it is going to look parked outside your house.

Once you have written it down and visualized it, you can sort of let it go and just have the faith and believe that it is going to happen. There is no need to obsess over attracting the things that you want. You definitely want to be mindful of them and be aware of any serendipitous opportunities that may present themselves for you to get what you want, but beyond the steps covered so far it’s kind of set it “the intention” and forget it. Really it should be set it and get it, because if you do this correctly, you will attract what you want.

This step is incredibly important, so if you get nothing else, please get this! Whatever you have in your life whether it be good or bad, you are attracting it into your life and your reaction to what you are attracting into your life is causing you to attract more of it. The crucial thing here is the understanding that if you want to attract good things into your life you need to focus on the good things in your life and not allow yourself to be distracted by the little negative things that may be happening to you or around you. Sidenote: If you have a victim mentality and you feel like things happen to you and not for you or because of you then this is a huge issue that you need to reverse A.S.A.P., take ownership of your life and your situation right now.

The book and/or video “The Secret” is really good about giving you a framework for how to think about this and Joe Dispenza who has a lot of videos and books on Law of attraction is also a really good person to learn from in this space. The one thing I would say though is they tend to talk about the negativity, and I try to just keep it positive and would rather not even get into that headspace, but if and when you do, be aware and immediately take control of your inner dialogue and spin in a positive way.

I say this all the time and it is so true, but if you really want to attract the life you want, then you need to be practicing and attitude of gratitude all the time. If you aren’t thankful and grateful for what you have, then it’s going to be hard to attract more and better things. I don’t list gratitude as the first step, but this is a truly one of the most vital steps. If you want to attract more and better things, then just be thankful for what you have, and this will boost your momentum to attracting the life you want.

I attract tons of little things that I want all the time such as, Patagonia hats and clothing, and The North Face clothing, and I have attracted new money into my life, because I figured out how to put all of these principles and a few more to work in my life. I recommend starting with some small items that you don’t normally attract but would like to because once you start attracting these small things it’s going to help build the belief that it is possible and actually pretty easy the more you do it. It’s like anything you do in life, practice makes perfect. The more you do it the more natural it becomes and the easier it will be to attract the larger things quicker.

I also recommend using and reading some sort of affirmations that help you build a strong belief in yourself. Another part of the equation that is going to help you or hurt you, is yourself belief and whether or not you feel worthy of the things you are trying to attract. Daily affirmations start to reinforce your belief in yourself and your ability to attract what you want into your life. Belief in self and self-worth could be two things that are currently blocking your ability to attract the life you want so always work on these until you feel worthy and good about yourself.

There’s a whole lot more I could add to this, but I know you have some affirmations and things to attract into your life, so if you want a part 2 to this post let me know in the comments.

As always get out there and plant some seeds so you can start reaping the rewards of the fruits your seeds are bearing.
